Are Rabbits Bears?

Are Rabbits Bears?

Prepare to enter the secret world of bears in this interactive set of children’s books, written by bears about bears! Are Rabbits Bears? No? Are you sure? Read this book and find out.

There are many different types of teddy bears. Magical Blue Bears, Optabears, Small Helping Bears, Chi Bears, the list goes on. Read their stories inside. Then use the Companion Guide and its identification tables to find out what kind of bear you have at home. You will also find advice on getting to know your bear, how to find out if they are actually alive, and how to keep them that way!

ISBN: 978-0-9930156-3-2
Length: 206 pages
Dimensions: 156mm x 234mm
RRP: £7.99

£7.99 + p&p

The Companion Guide

How much do you know about your bear? Which type of bear do you have? Use the tables inside to find out. Is he a cheerful Optabear or a miserable Pessabear? Or maybe a Small Helping Bear? There are 12 types of bear to discover and if you can’t identify yours, don’t panic! Part 2 is coming.

You can still use the techniques in this book to find out lots about your furry friend. What do they like? What don’t they like? Optabears love everything, Pessabears complain about everything. But never fear, this guide will help you make the most of even the grumpiest bear. There is so much more to the humble teddy bear than you could ever imagine. The world of the Bear Dimension awaits!

ISBN: 978-0-9930156-4-9
Length: 47 pages
Dimensions: 210mm x 297mm
RRP: £5.99

£5.99 + p&p

All Things Bear Dimension

Visit All Things Bear Dimension for more frequently asked questions, competitions, and bear news!